Recent Letter
Hi all,
The delay in communication with Jared is proving to be frusterating. We got the following letters when we knew that the Crucible week was nearing its end, but haven't heard from him since. Continuing on the theme that no news is good news, we believe that he passed with no injuries, but hope to hear something more definite about how it went this week.
This next week they begin water training. Continued prayers are always appreciated! Thanks.
Letter dated Oct. 14, 2006
Hey family,
I got home from field week yesterday. It was an experience. I didn't know CA got so cold. But it gets cold. We slept in tents every night (cept the last one--slept under the stars) and we had to sleep in skivvies (undies and t-shirt). Luckily the sleeping bags were nice and warm, but any air inside was uncomfortable. Probably the most intersting thing we did was the gas chamber. Its just like you hear it described. They give you masks to show you how you should be able to breathe, then you learn whats not supposed to happen. It got painful. Its cool to think back and know I did it, though. Other than that, we did tactical rifle range and a lot of hiking. I'm not so good at the hikes. I'm pretty worried about the "reaper" hike during the crucible (next week). I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. Fingers are crossed.
Anyway, I got a real good sleep last night. The plastic mattress is far superior to the dirt. It was good to eat something besides MRE's for breakfast. Although I do really like MREs. Its just weird to have chicken enchiladas at 5 am. Another thing we can be thankful for, the night we got back to sleep inside, it rained. Everything was mud and puddles this morning. We just missed it. It rained for a couple minutes during MCMAP training too. Thats the first time its rained here. It was weird to feel it on my shaved head.
As far as my health, I'm getting pretty much back to normal. I'll cough a little after a run or something, but other than that I'm pretty good. Finally. BTW, I'm doing firewatch now, its about 3 am. So I got a chance to read letters from field week. I only got 1 from Mom, and all of a sudden she was in MN! Kinda threw me for a loop. I guess she has a sale or something. It was weird to start reading the letter and she says, "I'm writing this while Gma is in the shower." Twas humorous.
I've definitely decided that since my first meal won't be at home but at a restaurant, I want to go for pizza. Just FYI. We're all still dreaming of food here. When we got our MRE's ready for the field, we took the extra stuff out. Candy and stuff included. I got M&M's in mine. We were supposed to give them up, but I hid them away. I'm gonna eat them tonight with my rackmate Thatcher. He's a good guy. While I was sick he'd get up and do stuff for me so I could sleep at night. Anyway he deserves some. Don't worry, I'll be careful eating and disposing of the package. Just be happy I get a little treat, and we'll never speak of it again. :-) Miss you, love you, can't wait to be home. Jared
Undated letter, probably written the 15th or 16th
Hey family,
Its the night before the crucible. I figured I'd write quickly cuz there won't be any mail after tonight till Sat., I think. And I like writing home anyway. It makes me feel like I'm there. So far since Sunday its been real slow. We haven't really done anything to speak of. I think they were saving us/our energy for the crucible, but a ton of people got caught with food and two people got caught with forged double rations tags. So we're in the doghouse pretty much. We haven't had a full meal...cept for breakfast, for a couple days. Oh well, I guess that prepares us for the crucible, right? I'm not sure the exact count but we have 4 MRE's for a little over 4 mealtimes. {I think he may have meant 4 days, from other things I've read} So we have to decide waht and when we're gonna eat. I'm real nervous about the reaper hike. If you fall out/behind your platoon, you don't go to the warriors breakfast. And if you fall out/can't go on, you get dropped. I should be able to make it. I'm just paranoid I guess. Well, I need to go. I won't be getting much sleep these next days. Love you, miss you. Jared
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