Letter dated 9-4
Hey guys,
Things are going pretty good. My cough has taken a turn for the worse now though. So far it’s only a cough, so I’m not going to medical. If I do end up going to medical and they think its bad enough, they could put me on bed rest and I could get dropped back a week. That’s pretty much my worst fear, so I [don’t] want to go to medical unless it gets unbearable. Other than that, my biggest complaint is that I haven’t gotten any letters yet. Not a ton of people have, but it’s pretty depressing. Also, I REALLY need A’s new address some how. It’s frustrating not being able to send her anything either. Other than that, send stamps and a picture, and I’m good. Today was a fairly relaxed day. Till the end at least. We got to shower on our own. But during hygiene check I didn’t say something loud enough, so the DI made me yell it over and over, top of my lungs. The guy next to me said he counted about 215 times I repeated it. So…my voice is little screwy. Today we had a couple of classes, first aid, terrorism, and MC History II. Classes can be the best time of the day. Other than that we drilled, cleaned our guns, exercised a little, and cleaned. Tomorrow we’ll mess around with those padded sticks.
Yesterday was church. It was real good again. And of course drill. We’re not allowed to PT (phys train) on Sundays, so we did some IT (Intensive training) instead. (FYI, IT is harder.) So far I’ve lost 5 lbs, and I’m not ripped just yet. I still have blue eyes and some brown hair, so I plan on being recognizable come graduation.
Oh yeah. The DI just told us that Steve Irwin died. That came as a shock. You know how it happened? If there’s any news, you can keep me posted. We’re very sheltered as far as that goes. I need to go. Maybe this will come on dads bday, so happy bday dad. Love you all.
P.S. When you send letters, ask questions too, I don’t know what to talk about sometimes.
P.P.S. Easy does it with my room mom.
I'm praying for ya jared.its awesome what you're doing...
you rock walshy!!
this is interesting - thanks for posting these letters. jared is just as sweet as ever, even with the hard times.
Yay for Jared!! Its too bad he's not ripped yet, but I'm sure it'll happen soon especially w/IT. I miss Jared, I want to write him a letter, maybe I'll get one out soon. Questions, I'll ask him lots of questions!
Random, I know, but when he's not reading this its hard to be conversationsl
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