Friday, July 21, 2006

the fallen interlude

hey kids. well my time at prelock blueberry farm is coming to a close. they only need me for this saturday then im done. im kinda glad if you can imagine. over these past two weeks ive learned how dumb people can be. anyone who works at a job where they come into frequent contact with people can testify to that im sure. but after saturday im done. so im gonna be filling my time by helping my dad reshingle the roof. its not a very comfortable job. it gets really hot and youre in constant fear of dying. my shoes arent very good for that job. so ive figured different ways i should land to cause minimal damage should i fall.

other than work ive been hanging out with adrienne a bit. mostly we just eat out somewhere and watch a movie. theres not a whole ton else to do in this town. i also have been doing stuff with joe after work. wed hang out and play videogames or whatever. he let me try out his shotgun the other day. we killed some birds. first time ive ever really shot a gun other than a 22. now everytime i see i bird i jump a little and wish i had a shotgun. certain persons i know arent too impressed by that though.

well ive run out of things to say real quick here. so if you guys want me to talk about anything, let me know. i'll be back.


Blogger yoshi said...

i know what you mean about the stupid people thing. it makes me love and long for my shotgun so much more.....

7/21/2006 9:42 PM  
Blogger turza said...

you're taller than both of your parents! and yes people are stupid, and yes working at FFR is tiring so all that adrienne has energy to do is eat and sit, (we have so much fun that there's not enough energy to spend time with you ;) ).

7/22/2006 9:45 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

at least the dumb people you have to put up with aren't drunk and disturbing!...

7/22/2006 11:01 PM  
Blogger Nata said...

i'm taller than my parents too! ... and dumber.

7/25/2006 11:41 PM  
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