Tuesday, June 20, 2006


kay i just got ahold of andy and talked to him for about a half hour. so this post will be along the lines of james's but it'll be better.

first of all hes unwraping cd's for his job. he's getting paid enough that by the end of the year he wont have any debt. he has two roomates that he gets along with at least. the rooms and bathrooms are nice. one of the recreational things he does is play basketball. his team wins alot. the ladies are few and far between but theres some hope this fall. he's an hour behind there (when its 10 here its 9 there) and he says a good time to call would be around 10 our time. he says he doesnt have much free time. he says that hes one of the youngest people there. hes still doing a law enforcement degree for two years and he still sounds about the same. he says there are some super concervative people there and he says that they dont give demerits during the summer. thats about it. you should call him. i have his number if you ask me.


Blogger yoshi said...

i bet that pic of andy is how he feels about the ladies there and the superconservative people...heheheh.

6/20/2006 11:44 PM  
Blogger julio said...


6/21/2006 2:07 PM  

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