why look back?
okay i read megs post (go read it ((at least the first part)) to understand mine) and it got me thinking about my own life and i was trying to relate it to my life, and heres what ive found.
i dont regret much about my early highschool years. there are things that if i had to live through again, i wouldnt want to, like wearing stupid things and being short and having big glasses, but if i were to go back and change those things, i dont think i'd be where i am now. im pritty comfortable where i am now. i have lots of friends and a good life. i have use of a car and no technical curfew. i have good hobbies and a good social life and ive even got a girlfriend. thats all much better than i could ever hope for in 7th grade. if i were to go back and change my past, theres no telling what i would screw up. (anyone who's seen back to the future knows what im talking about) im not really one of those seniors who looks back (yet at least) and dwells too much in the past. if theres something worth remembering i might store it away for when i need to remember it,, but if theres something i dont want to remember, usually im pritty good at just not thinking about it. and jr high is just something that i dont want to remember too well. im too busy getting thrown into my future. the days dragg on longer than they ever have, but the weeks go by so fast and im just waiting to wake up in boot camp and go "what happened?" i am not thinking about my past at all. just my future. mainly what im thinking about the future is that i gotta make the most of the summer socially. i mean, if it comes down to not sleeping in in the mornings, ill get up just to be able to do stuff and stregnthen friendships so they can withstand the future. i dont really want to waste my time and effort into something i cant change. im only concerned with the present and future. no looking back.
you made me cry~
thats gonna sound really really pathatic now that i think about it, lol. it's not like i'm really really crying but, well, i'm not going to explain it on here so anyway...
Seriously, though, who would want to go through something like puberty again?
sigh. I wish i could say i have absolutely no regrets, but as it is i'm pretty happy with how things turned out. It's all for the best and there really is no point in dwelling on the past, cuz i'm not even old yet!
I too am happy about how things have turned out in the end. This summer will be weird. Not working w/ Tirz and Adrienne especially. When August rolls around life will be hard. But yeah, I'm not looking back, that would lead to regrets and stuff I SO can't handle right now!
just don't forget the important stuff...ya know, like "quack" and grilled chicken and bats...
thats a few of the stored memories. for laughs and whatnot.
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