Monday, January 23, 2006

a river of occurences

well i think the comments are possibly straying from the topic in my last post. id still encourage anyone and everyone to comment. but its time for a new post.

honestly i have a ton that went on today. but not alot im gonna share with the general public. today i went to church late. stayed late talking to people. went to the mall and learned how to "browse". we drove around for a bit till we found some park id never been too. after that someone you all may or may not know, fell in a river but youll all be happy to know that it wasnt me. that anonymous person is alright too. to frosen toes or anything. hurt pride for them, and alot of ammo for me, for our little arguments, was all that resulted. we found a random bonfire on the side of the road. no one was around and it was a really nice, really hot fire. we hung around that for awhile and a certain someone dried off. we went to the wickerts. played foosball and watched too much "dance revolution." we went to tirzahs house. talked for a little while. i had to come home early cause my dad wanted to spend time with me today. i got home and he was on the computer till he went to bed.

seriously, comment on the last post.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think you should have played some DDR. You'd probably be good at it.

1/23/2006 3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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1/23/2006 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was pretty random when you all showed up at my house, but it was fun and i was glad to see y'all!

1/23/2006 4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a pretty fun day. def random though~

1/23/2006 5:03 PM  
Blogger julio said...

i woulda embarrased rob and chris. they were having thier moment, i didnt want to ruin it for them.

1/23/2006 10:56 PM  

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